Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Google Chrome : High speed with big trick!

Everyone now must have heard about the powers of the new Google's browser "Chrome" and its high speed in browsing the web specially the feature of multitabbing. All that are really very good and indeed it is better than Microsoft internet explorer and also faster than Firefox ,but it has a big problem. This problem isn't inside the program itself ,but it is in what google do with its browser.The Federal Office for Information Security in Germany has warned  German people from using Google Chrome as it allows Google to reach to the personal informatoin of its users and that is what Google said in the item No.1 of Google Chrome privacy policy which give Google all rights to get to your content and publishing it. So, I advise you not to use this browser and Firefox will give you what you want: the speed and the security.


Anonymous said...

I start liking this browser until it get into problem of open it.Now I am using firefox as my default browser.Anyway thanks for the info.