Saturday, November 15, 2008

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 vs GeForce9600, which one will win!

Some of us have a trouble when buying a new graphics card from nvidia ,which one they should buy 8800GT , 8800GTS ,8800GTX or 9600GT!
In fact , GeForce 8800GTS (512MB only) is the most powerful graphics card in them. It has the fastest GPU and shader clock and it's really fast. It's slightly better than 8800GTX ,but not better than 8800 Ultra.The only difference between 8800GTS and the 8800GTX is that 8800GTX has a 384-Bit memory interface that makes the data transfer  faster but its GPU is slower.
I can arrange these cards from the strongest to the weakest:
  1. GeForce 8800GTS (512MB only)
  2. GeForce 8800GTX
  3. GeForce 9600GT
  4. GeForce 8800GT